The Hassenfeld Study
at Women & Infants

The Hassenfeld Child Health Innovation Institute at Brown University

The Hassenfeld Child Health Innovation Institute aims to improve the lives of children in Rhode Island. We do this through; research, clinical practice, public health efforts, and educational programs. The Institute also: looks at the issue of poverty and how it affects child health, and trains students to be leaders in child health. We have strong partnerships with Women & Infants Hospital, Butler Hospital, and many community-based organizations.

Our Hassenfeld Study at Women & Infants recruits people either during early pregnancy or soon after giving birth. This study helps us make important discoveries about child health issues. We focus on:

  • Childhood asthma
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Childhood overweight and obesity
  • Social determinants of health


Contact Information

Hassenfeld Child Health Innovation Institute
Brown University
Box G S 121-4
Providence, RI 02912




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Hassenfeld Child Health Innovation Institute Webinars

View All Webinars

Virtual Q&A: Pregnancy and Covid-19

Sleeping, Eating, and Being Active: Healthy Routines