The basic daily charge, which begins the day you are admitted, includes room, meals, the availability of our medical staff, and nursing care. Depending on the length of your stay, there is no charge for the day you are discharged.
Your account will also reflect separate charges for care and services not included in the basic daily charge, including:
The professional fees of your health care provider, radiologist and anesthesiologist are not included in your hospital bill. You may want to ask your health insurer if these fees are covered.
Based on information from your health care provider, we try to verify your insurance coverage before you are admitted. You are responsible for following your policy. Some policies want to pre-approve or certify all hospitalizations or require that you call when you are admitted. If you do not follow the policy rules, your insurance company may not pay your bills. If you are admitted for an emergency, a financial counselor will contact you during your stay to make the necessary arrangements.
Many insurance plans apply your co-payments and deductibles, or exclude coverage of certain services for you or your baby. In such cases, a financial counselor will contact you about your financial responsibility. You are expected to make advance payment based on your estimated responsibility for things that are not covered by your insurance plan.
You may qualify for full or partial free care based on your income. If you have questions about payments, call our financial counselors weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Financial Counselors can assist patients by providing them with information about estimated hospital charges associated with a stay at our hospital. For more information or to be referred to a Financial Counselor please call by the first letter of your last name below: (401) 274-1122 ext:
Last names: A-G 41588
Last names: F-J 41424
Last names: K-O 41742
Last names: P-T 41244
Last names: U-Z 1441
OGCC patients: 42778
For questions after receiving a bill, please contact Customer Service directly at (401) 921-7200.
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